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Classic Christmas Bouquet with Chocolates and Fizz


Created by a local florist
Handcrafted bespoke just for you
Made fresh on the day it arrives
Personally delivered by hand
Classic Christmas Bouquet with Chocolates and Fizz
Image 2 of 4 of Classic Christmas Bouquet with Chocolates and Fizz
Image 3 of 4 of Classic Christmas Bouquet with Chocolates and Fizz
Image 4 of 4 of Classic Christmas Bouquet with Chocolates and Fizz
1. Do you have any special requests?
Is there anything else you would like the florist to know about your gift?

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2. Who is this gift for?
3. When would you like your gift?
4. How would you like to personalise your gift?

Gift description

A gorgeous bouquet crafted by their local florist, using the finest blooms in rich red and green shades, with peach and cream highlights and pops of burgundy and cerise. And in case that wasn't enough to make them merry, this one comes with a bottle of fizz and chocolates too.

  • This will be handcrafted by their local florist, who will use all their care and skill and make sure it arrives ready to wow.
  • It might not look exactly like the pictures because each bouquet is bespoke, made by hand.
  • Includes a bottle of Prosecco and a delicious box of chocolates
  • It's guaranteed to look gorgeous for at least 7 days, or we'll put it right.
  • It could feature buds, but they'll open up quickly.
  • The packaging is all recyclable or biodegradable.
  • It comes with a lovely card, the florist will add your message inside (usually by hand).
  • It could feature lilies. If they're not a fan check out our bouquets without lilies.

Gift contents


Milk, Soybeans, Sulphites/Sulphur Dioxide and Tree Nuts.

This product contains traces of nuts. This product contains alcohol. This product is suitable for vegetarians. This product is NOT suitable for vegans. This product is suitable for Coeliacs.

Download the allergen information for this product.
If you need further assistance with this gift, please quote item number XCHTBDL0200

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