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Beautiful Classic Christmas Bouquet


Created by a local florist
Handcrafted bespoke just for you
Made fresh on the day it arrives
Personally delivered by hand
First delivery date 2nd December
Beautiful Classic Christmas Bouquet
Image 2 of 4 of Beautiful Classic Christmas Bouquet
Image 3 of 4 of Beautiful Classic Christmas Bouquet
Image 4 of 4 of Beautiful Classic Christmas Bouquet
1. What size would you like?
Is there anything else you would like the florist to know about your gift?

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2. Who is this gift for?
3. When would you like our florist to deliver your gift?
4. How would you like to personalise your gift?

Gift description

A step up from our smallest sized bouquet, this bouquet will feature more flowers or more luxurious kinds. Handcrafted by a florist, it'll feature blooms in rich red and green shades, with peach and cream highlights and pops of burgundy and cerise.

  • This will be handcrafted by their local florist, who will use all their care and skill and make sure it arrives ready to wow.
  • It might not look exactly like the pictures because each bouquet is bespoke, made by hand.
  • It's guaranteed to look gorgeous for at least 7 days, or we'll put it right.
  • It could feature buds, but they'll open up quickly.
  • The packaging is all recyclable or biodegradable.
  • It comes with a lovely card, the florist will add your message inside (usually by hand).
  • It could feature lilies. If they're not a fan check out our bouquets without lilies.

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