Thank You Messages
Tips on what to write in a thank you card
- Be honest! Imagine speaking the words to them and keep your message as close to them as possible.
- Think about how formal it needs to be – a message for your boss will be different from a message to a bestie
- Be specific about what your thanking them for. The personal touches make all the difference, afterall no one likes getting a generic ‘thank you for the gift’ card.
Short thank you messages
Thank you messages for parents and guardians
Thank you messages for a friend
Thank you messages for a teacher
Thank you messages for a doctor or nurse
Thank you messages for hospitality
Thank you messages after receiving a gift
Thank you messages for your boss
Thank you for your help messages
Thank you messages to send wedding guests
Thank you for housesitting or pet sitting
- Thank you so much for look after [pet’s name]. They miss you already!
- Thank you superstar pet sitter, what would be do without you?
- A great big thank you for look after our great big fluffy creature.
- Thanks so much for minding the house, it gave us such peace of mind.
- Cheers for taking on the housesitting job! Hope the plants didn’t give you much trouble. Thanks again.
- Merci beaucoup! = Thank you very much! (French)
- Muchas gracias = Thank you very much (Spanish)
- Grazie millie = Thank you very much (Italian)
- Danke = Thanks (German)
- Tak skal du have = Thanks a lot (Danish)

Pink roses
