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- Delivering flowers in over 140 countries
- Delivering flowers in over 140 countries
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Flower Delivery Dunstable - Handcrafted by a Dunstable Florist
"It's now far easier to arrange a flower delivery in Dunstable than ever before. As well as having a number of flower shops in Dunstable, Interflora can now organise flower delivery in Dunstable through Internet bookings and telephone orders. In addition to using your credit or debit card to send flowers in Dunstable, Interflora Dunstable can take Internet bookings using the secure, online payment method PayPal. The Internet also allows you to see the selection of flowers we have available for you to send so that, if you have something specific in mind for your flower delivery in Dunstable, you can make your choice from our online gallery. Using Interflora to send flowers in Dunstable, guarantees you the Interflora Promise, which says that if your delivery doesn't arrive on time or your recipient isn't delighted with their flowers, we'll do all we can to rectify the situation or refund you your money. To ensure that your recipient is entirely satisfied, we work in partnership with some of the best flower shops in Dunstable.