At Interflora we know a bouquet is never just a bunch of flowers: it’s a celebration or a commiseration, a sharing of joy, or a mark of thanks. There’s a story behind each and every delivery and with the permission of our customers, we’re sharing some of the most powerful ones. This is Simon’s story.
Everything got turned upside down
Simon, from Yorkshire, who runs a local travel agency describes himself as just a normal guy. He lives in Yorkshire with his wife, two children and their family dog, a cockerpoo named Bella.
Last December, Simon’s life took an unexpected turn. He’d just logged off after a day’s work from his home office and suddenly found himself struggling for breath.
“I’ve always suffered with Asthma, so initially I put it down to that. However, within moments, I knew it was something more serious. I called to my wife to come upstairs and by the time she reached me I was fighting for every breath. In that moment everything got turned upside down.
“I remember my wife calling 999 and all I could think of was my daughter downstairs and how I didn’t want her to see me in this way. My lips were blue.
“Of course, it felt like a lifetime for the paramedics to arrive. When they did, they told me they needed to get me to the hospital right away. Unbeknown to me, one of my lungs had collapsed and the other was not far behind.
“On the way to hospital I stopped breathing in the ambulance. The crew stopped so that the paramedics could revive me. They saved my life.
“It was a scary time – but thankfully, I only spent three days in hospital, and then was able to return home where I started to recover.”