
Birthday's made special

Celebrate their special day with Interflora

We’ve been delivering birthday joy for nearly a century, so we know how to celebrate properly. That’s why every single one of our birthday bouquets is bespoke – handcrafted with love just for them by a local florist.

Say happy birthday with flowers and gifts

Celebrate the birthday of a friend, family or loved one with a unique gift. Whether you are after a vibrant birthday bouquet of their favourite flowers or a sumptuous hamper of the best sweet and savoury treats, we have you covered.


Birthday gifts

Say happy birthday with a birthday gift that will make their day


Birthday flowers

Celebrate their birthday with a beautiful bouquet of flowers

Find their perfect birthday flowers

Let us know whether they’re a pastel fan or if they prefer big, bold and bright, and our community of florists will handcraft and deliver a bespoke bouquet as unique as they are.


Created by florists

Each and every one of our birthday bouquets is hand-crafted by a florist. With their years of experience they’ll choose the perfect birthday blooms for your special someone, all you need to do is pick a colour palette and price.


Delivered by florists

No abandoned flowers here. Our bouquets are delivered by talented local florists, right to the doorstep. That means you can be sure your birthday gift arrives safely and in style – ready to wow them from the minute it arrives.

Don't just take our word for it. We’re rated Excellent on TrustPilot, hooray!

Got a few birthdays coming up?

Then you need an Interflora Delivery Pass. For just £12 a year you’ll get free standard delivery on all your flowers, or for £22 a year you’ll get any type of delivery free – including international. Time to make even more people feel special on their special day!

Flowers for those all important milestone moments

Whether they turn 18, 30, 50 or 80, celebrate their milestone moment in style with a bespoke birthday bouquet


18th birthdays

Celebrate 18 years of being fab with a spectacular birthday bouquet


21st birthdays

Stepping into your 20s is never a dull moment, make their 21st birthday special with a hand-tied bouquet


30th birthdays

They say life begins at 30, celebrate in style with a beautifully hand-crafted birthday bouquet

Old couple smiling

60th birthdays

Turning 60 is a pretty big deal, share your love with a beautiful bouquet


Send your loved one a thoughtful and personal birthday message

Need some inspiration? We have pulled together a list of popular birthday quotes, messages and poems to help you send just the right message. One of our florists will then personally hand-write your message in the card, making it feel extra special for your loved one.


The best days for a birthday

Have you ever wondered about the best day to celebrate a birthday? Well wonder no longer. Take a look at Interflora's birthday insights, packaged and ready to go.


Say happy birthday from across the sea

We can deliver birthday flowers to your loved ones all over the world. Whether it’s bon anniversaire or buon compleanno, make their birthday special with gorgeous flowers. Our talented community of florists spans 140 countries, so if you are wanting to send birthday wishes across the seas, we can help.

Instagram Inspiration