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The Mother's Day gifts mums really want

22nd October, 2024

Little tokens of thoughtfulness

“I am a step-mum and my step-sons have designated the Sunday after Mother’s Day as Stepmother's Day, so their mum has the actual day for herself, and I have one for me. How cute and thoughtful 🥰. That's all I really want from them, is a little acknowledgement and maybe something thoughtful in the post or a delivery. Doesn't matter what it is really.”

–– Bron, Marketing

“Little tokens of thoughtfulness are the way to my heart. Last year my three year old made me a breakfast in bed menu (with a little help from her daddy) and presented my choices with a homemade card and flowers. It was perfect. I'm not sure how they'll top that this year, although as a mum of two small children, I'd settle for being able to use the bathroom without an audience 😆”

–– Beth, Brand Development

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Zero bickering!

“Zero bickering, for just one day PLEASE! And peace and quiet to read my book, with a continual supply of tea & biscuits, or prosecco & peanuts, depending on what time of day we're at 😊"

–– Zara, Product & Supply

“Whenever my kids ask me what I'd like for birthday, Christmas, Mother's Day etc. my usual answer is a hug or for them to get on just for a day (I know, I can dream on that one!)”

–– Erica, Brand Development


Sunday roast = a winner

“A home cooked Sunday roast (that I don't have to cook or clean up afterwards) That would be my dream Mother's Day. And maybe someone else doing the ironing for a change.”

–– Sandra, Marketing

“What I'd REALLY like.... waking up naturally, no alarm and no Xbox chatter in the background, to a lovely cuppa brewed lovingly by my kids. Followed by the kids suggesting we go on a lovely long walk, preferably up a big hill, and then find a pub with a fire and have a delicious Sunday dinner. BUT I'll settle for a few extra hugs, less grunts and a game of pool with a glass of wine!”

–– Caroline, Marketing

“I'm a mum, step-mum and step- grandparent, I would love to be spoilt and taken out for a nice Sunday dinner, and not lift a finger all day!"

–– Julie, Product & Supply

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A nice card or message is just right

“A handmade card and present always wins my heart! I also love seeing my daughter with my mummy (her Mamar) sitting knitting together (Mamar is 92) - those are the special moments”

–– Sian, HR

“As a family we never celebrate Mother's Day, but my daughter always remembers to send me a message as she lives in another part of the country, even if it is just to take the mickey as I work Mother’s Day!”

–– Valerie, Customer Care

“Having worked away over Mother's Day waking up in my own bed and being brought a nice cup of tea is a treat. As both my daughters have now left home this year I am hoping hubby steps up! A visit from them both would be lovely but one works weekends and the other lives 200 miles away! Other than that a nice card through the post with something kind written inside will do me!

–– Clare, Product & Supply

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Thanks to all this lovely lot for sharing their Mother’s Day wish lists, this writer might be slightly hungry now after all the mentions of Sunday roasts... Quick, time to hand things over to you, if you’re a mum, like a mum, a step mum, or any kind of mother figure we’d love to hear what’d you love this Mother’s Day. You’ll find us in all the usual social media spots.

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